Collection of Examples, 2019

The case studies in the subpages are taken from a publication that presents the results of the project ’Eksempelsamling - EPD’er som konkurrenceparameter i
bæredygtigt byggeri og renovering’
(translates roughly into: 'Example collection - EPDs as a competitive parameter within sustainable buildings and refurbishment').

The project investigated the use of EPDs (Environmental Product Declarations) in the Danish construction sector through interviews, meetings, workshops and interdisciplinary discussions with the industry. Examples have been presented in a number of cases where stakeholders in the industry present the ways in which they use EPDs.

The publication with all results from the project is available in Danish HERE.

Partners in the publication
EPD Danmark
Green Building Council Danmark                 
MiljøForum Fyn Byggeri

Grundejernes Investeringsfond
Boligfonden Kuben